About the positionFaculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has two vacant three- year PhD positions in renewable energy,...
Om stillingenVed Senter for klimaregulert planteforskning (SKP) er det ledig en fast stilling som avdelingsingeniør. Stillingen er en del av feltforsøksenheten som har ansvaret for drift, vedlikehold ...
About the positionThe Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) is looking for an experienced researcher to contribute to two newly...
About the positionA Postdoctoral position in theoretical electrochemistry is available at the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Science and Technology .The Postdoctoral position is for a period ...
Om stillingenVed institutt for prekliniske fag og patologi ved Veterinærhøgskolen er det ledig en 100% fast stilling som førsteamanuensis i fagområdet klinisk patologi. Stillingen innebærer faglig ans...